
Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas.

Modern students often consider studying in the university to be nothing more than just a waste of time. They do not deny that they get profound theoretical knowledge in certain fields, meet new people, and learn how to interact with powerful people. However, many students, especially those who have an innate talent for doing business do consider quitting college as they want to devote their time to something bigger than reading required literature and visiting seminars. They want to move from the theory to practice. Here, we will talk about how to become a businessman without quitting college and start to build your own empire while still being a student.

The first and the most important thing every student should know that it is impossible to build an effective business without having at least basic theoretical knowledge. Thus, it is crucially important to acquire this knowledge on your own or by visiting college courses. If you have the possibility to do that, it is always better to become a student and get the basics in the college.

If you still cannot resist the temptation to run your own business while being a student, we have a couple of good ideas for you. Here is our shortlist of online business ideas for college students who are already prepared for making a step forward to adulthood.


Today, blogging is a new mass media. People no longer read newspapers, they read bloggers. The easiest way for us to get a piece of new information is to check social media. Bloggers are even better than journalists as they can publish fresh information as soon as it appears without waiting for the editor’s approval. They are more independent, thus, they have enough freedom to generate content that they like.

As for building a business, blogging is perhaps the best sphere for students. First of all, you do not need to invest money in such kind of business, secondly, you do not need special equipment and knowledge. The third point is that you actually do not need a lot of time to be a successful blogger.


Students frequently forget about one of the most common ways of building a business. Tutoring has always been one of the ways to demonstrate that you are good at something and that you can even help people with acquiring new knowledge and explaining some basics that may be difficult to understand from the very beginning. Tutoring will be the best choice for students who want to continue their career in education or research.

Term paper writing

Another way to use your knowledge of some subjects is to become a term paper writer and work for a custom writing service. Of course, most of the colleges and universities prohibit such kind of activity as the papers should be written individually. If your educational organization has some strict rules concerning term paper writing, you may become a consultant and only help students by giving advice for writing term papers.

Many students confess that they would gladly use such kind of service, especially for subjects that are not their majors. It would be much easier for them if someone else would conduct the research and determine all important ideas that should be covered in their term paper or essay.

SMM managing

The influence of social networks continues to increase and the need for good social media marketing managers is obvious. If you have 2 – 4 free hours per day and if you love social networks more than anything else in this life, you should definitely give a try to SMM. Of course, to become a good manager, you need to know a little bit more than just how to add a beautiful picture and write a captivating description. However, if you want to develop your talents in this field, you could spend another 2 hours per day watching SMM tutorials on YouTube and visiting seminars.

Video blogging, podcasting

If you do not like to write but you still want to share your vision of the world with other people, give a try to video blogging or podcasting. The difference between these two online businesses is that a video blogger is the one who records videos, while a podcaster is the one who makes only voice records. There are various platforms and websites where you can share your videos and audios. You should just pick a topic that will be interesting to your audience.

These are only the basic ideas of online businesses for students. However, they are by far the most effective ones as you can continue running this kind of business after you get a degree. You can even turn it into a big venture inviting other people to join you in your intentions and creating a whole community that will grow and brings you money and success.

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