write for seo

Diksha Jani is a blogger likes to read novels and technical content. She also likes to explore new places

Now that you have a good grasp of SEO writing theory, you must be wondering who can write for SEO. The answer is simple: anyone.

There is no such thing as perfect training, but a good copywriter can quickly become a good SEO copywriter, and an SEO can become a good copywriter.

An SEO writer is, above all, a person who understands the subject he is talking about and who will be able to provide concrete and precise answers to the Internet user.

Finally, above all, a person will know how to optimize his content for search engines by inserting the right expressions in the places on the web page.

Afraid of the blank page syndrome? Start by doing a “benchmark” on the web to find out where to start. The subject? If you are an expert in a field, you are bound to have things to say.

Know that everyone has something to contribute in their field and that it is useless to say, “I do not know how to write for the web.” Start by copywriting to your targets already; that’s what matters.

Small tip: write your text as if you had your client in front of you and advise him by answering his questions.


We have reviewed the elements that shape SEO writing. The theory is essential, but the best is the practice. We agree!

We will show you all the facets so that you too can write your first content for the web or optimize what you have already written.

No more content not visible in Google, hello 100% Google Friendly content! 🙂 We previously discussed the challenges of good content.

Now let’s move on to the basics of SEO-optimized content! Before you jump into it, try to attend the best copywriting course.


Appearing on Google is essential; you still have to position yourself on one or more expressions worth it, right? It would be a shame to position yourself on a keyword that is not sought after by Internet users.

Write for SEO is primarily used to generate traffic but, above all, qualified traffic! Thus defining the right keyword is the first thing to do before launching stupidly. Head in the handlebars on an irrelevant keyword.

The basic rule when you want to create new content: define one or more target expressions. To find the right expressions, you must imperatively realize a keyword audit for your page or article.

Here are the questions to ask yourself:

  • Does it represent what I want to propose? Ex: “red Nike shoe,” if you sell red Nike shoes.
  • Is this keyword competitive? If so, think long-tail keyword.
  • Is there a keyword searched by my targets?
  • What keywords are my direct competitors positioned on?
  • Is this a helpful keyword for write for SEO? Does it have added value for my site?

To facilitate your keyword research, with the associated data, you can use SEMrush, KWFinder from Mangools, or even the keyword planner from Google.

As you will have understood, a good keyword is a keyword that will make you gain visibility on the web and reach your customers. If not, choose another keyword.


You must also ask yourself the question of the Internet user’s expectations behind a keyword: do my products or services meet the expectations of the Internet user who typed this expression?

Let’s take a fairly simple example, the keyword “kayak,” with an average monthly search volume of 453,000. Your first thought is to want to rank for the keyword “kayak” if you sell canoes.

Indeed, at first glance, it makes sense of copywriting. But on closer inspection, you have two significant issues facing you.

The first is the competition; on a generic keyword like this, it will take you a while to position yourself, especially if your site is recent. The second is the research intention.

By looking at the SERP (Google result page), we can see that Google does not offer a particular type of result. First of all, you will find the comparison site “Kayak.fr,” then you will find a definition proposed by Wikipedia, and then the rental or purchase of a kayak.


Finally, the objective of write for SEO is to generate traffic by reaching your targets. So to maximize qualified traffic, think like your targets, and especially ”

Persona Journey” (customer journey). How they start their research and the trigger to take action (purchase, conversion, etc.).

Your content will depend considerably on what your targets expect. If you miss that notion, you shoot yourself in the foot. It would be a shame.

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