Business Instagram Profile

Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 10+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.

Hey, it’s the year 2020, and anyone that uses a phone or a computer by now knows how important Social Media is to a business. It doesn’t matter what your business is or how big or small it is, you need to be relevant in the digital space if you want your customers to find and interact with yours.

In this article, we would teach you how to create and maintain a branded profile on Instagram that suits your business perfectly. Think of your Instagram Profile in three essential parts: the bio, the content optimization, and layout, and lastly, your engagement strategy. Let us jump into the anatomy of the perfect small business Instagram profile:

Let your Username Guide Your Audience:

Instagram Profile

A lot of small companies don’t get how important this part of the process is. The Username is the first thing that a potential customer would see when they look up your business on Instagram.

Make it count! Make sure that your Username indicates the name of your business, and if it is taken, then spice it up with the business location or something. A good example is “@KimSushi_Chi,” and the Chi, in this case, represents Chicago.

Pick Profile Picture That is On-Brand:

With so many business pages on Instagram these days, you need to stand out. The best way to do this is to create a unique picture for your Instagram page that your customers would easily recognize, and that right there is your profile picture.

Create a Bio that Tells Your Audience About Your Business:

Instagram Profile

In the profile section, you want to make sure that everyone knows what your business is about shortly and concisely. However, it would help if you were not afraid to use some of the thousands of emoji available to you to enhance your story. Let your customers feel that your business has a personality that draws then to your business.

Use it as Source of Information Dissemination System:

If you have new deals, partnerships, or perhaps it is a giveaway season, then let your customers know by putting that information in your profile.

The Hashtag is Key:

Use hashtags are a big deal in this social media business, therefore make sure you have one that is unique to your brand and several ones that are relevant to the content of your Instagram page.

Call to Action:

Lastly, make sure that there is a call to action message in your profile. Oh! You don’t know what that means! A call to action is a tag or short statement that tells a reader or an audience to perform a specific action like clicking a link or performing a particular work. Make sure it is a link to your blog or business website. Just make sure that it helps to drive your followers to your business.

Content That Grabs Attention:

Instagram Profile

Hey, it is Instagram. Of course, we are going to talk about content. Your page needs to have a life, a reason why anybody should want to follow you.

Key Performance Indicators:

Research the kind of content that works for other pages that do the same business as you. Then post similar content but original and unique to your business. Then modify your content based on performance.

Instagram Stories:

Make use of this feature on Instagram to connect with your audience every day.


Get other influencers on Instagram to try your product or give them a reason to recommend your business. There are 30% of consumers who purchase a product recommended by an influencer that they follow.

Hashtags Again:

It is social media, for every post, make sure that you accompany with a bunch of hashtags that are relevant to the position and current happenings. This is likely to increase Instagram engagement by up to 12%.

Pay a Photographer and Graphics Person:

If you don’t have any content or great content, then you need to invest in a good photographer and a graphics artist to help with your content. This is a business of pictures, after all.

Engagement Strategy:

Instagram Profile

Time to make sure your followers don’t get bored on your business page.

Get Your Followers Involved:

Encourage your users to publish photos that relate to your business that you can use on your page. You will have higher chances to convert customers that way.

Pick the Right Time:

Posting on Tuesday through Friday between 9 AM and 6 PM has been found to work for most businesses.

Colour Scheme:

Always use a consistent color scheme for your business.


Everyone loves free stuff. Do giveaways from time to time.


Let them know your area; it helps to connect people to your business. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on creating your business profile on Instagram now.

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