Solar Panel Installation

Diksha Jani is a blogger likes to read novels and technical content. She also likes to explore new places

Solar panel installation is a hot trend in the United States that shows no sign of slowing. Nearly 50% of U.S. homeowners say that they are seriously considering going green by using solar power.

The renewable energy resource comes with many advantages. But is some of the talk, well, just hype?

We’ll explore the pros and cons of solar energy to help you decide whether solar offers a cost-effective way to save energy.

Pros of Solar Panel Installation

Ready to go green? You’ve probably heard about these benefits of solar as a form of sustainable energy.

Lower Power Bills

Solar power can put a big dent in electric bills. The average American spends around $114 per month on electricity.

That figure easily tops $1,200 per year. Over the years, those fees can reach tens of thousands of dollars. However, working with Blue Raven Solar can protect you from potentially drastic electricity price hikes.

Good for the Environment

Solar power is good for the environment. Solar power is a renewable resource that comes free of charge from the sun.

Using solar instead of fossil fuels cuts down on greenhouse gases that are contributing to Climate Change.

Tax Incentives

Solar panels come with the benefits of government incentives. The federal tax credit for solar is one incentive, but many state and local governments offer additional tax credits.

Boost Home Values

The popularity of solar panels isn’t going away anytime soon. So if you are looking to boost your home’s value, solar panels are a great option.

Low Maintenance

Solar panels are incredibly durable and require minimal maintenance. The equipment typically comes with long warranties that make solar panel ownership a financially sound option.

Make Money

Finally, excess solar can be sold on the grid. By sharing your carbon-neutral energy, you can extend the benefits of green energy to your community.

Cons of Solar Panel Installation

There are few drawbacks to solar panel ownership. However, it is still worth exploring the potential cons before making such an important investment.

Upfront Costs

Solar panels do come with an upfront cost, although that investment will eventually be returned through energy savings. As a result, you can reasonably expect to spend at least $10,000 or more for a solar panel installation.

Rooftop Size Limits

The amount of free electricity that you will gain will be limited to the size of your roof. Solar may not be an ideal option for a small home or homes that do not receive much direct sunlight.

Power Conditional on Certain Factors

Solar panels work best on sunny days, although they can still generate power on cloudy days because UV rays still reach the solar cells.

The cells offer no power at night, so you’ll need a storage battery to power your home at night if you want to stay off the grid.

Fixed Positions

Solar panels are fixed into one position. So if you wish to move or transfer your system, you’ll have to hire professionals for that job.

Tax Incentives Not Guaranteed Forever

Finally, government rebates come and go. This is one reason why it’s a good idea not to wait too long to use current federal incentives.

Going Green Is Easier Than Ever

If you are considering solar panel installation, now is the time. To recoup the most benefits over the life of your system, you’ll want to start sooner than later.

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